Rev Nathan J. Hilton, Anna, Mary, Ruth and John

My family and I moved to Sunderland in 2019 to plant a Reformed, Evangelical, and Presbyterian Church in Sunderland. I was born and spent my early years in the city, my wife was born in Durham. The Lord kindly gave us to one another, blessed us with three little ones. We love our children; God gives the very best of gifts. I was saved by Jesus Christ from darkness when I was twenty-two and have experienced the life-changing effects of the gospel. I fell in love with theology and the God of Scripture and eventually trained for ministry. My wife was raised by faithful believing parents, worshipping God was part of her daily experience, and she can say that she has never known a day when she did not know and love the Lord. It is our joy to serve as ambassadors of the King that you might come to know Jesus as your Lord, and that your children would be raised in a home that loves and serves Him. My joy is still theology. I completed an MDiv through Westminster Presbyterian Theological Seminary and was ordained as a minister of the gospel as part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales on November 17th 2018.

Assessor Elders

Sunderland Evangelical Presbyterian Church is a missions church of the presbytery. Our assessor elders, who serve like borrowed elders to provide oversight until we appoint out own, are: Dr Chris Richards and the Rev Darren Moore.



We are part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales. The EPCEW was born out of a conference in 1986, became the Presbyterian Association in England the following year, formed its first presbytery in 1991, and took the name EPCEW in 1996. The EPCEW is a Bible-believing, Reformed, Evangelical and Presbyterian denomination that is committed to the Great Commission, orthodoxy, and piety. You can find out more about the EPCEW by visiting their website.

EPCEW Map (2019) Adjusted.jpeg