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A Warm Welcome

You will always feel welcome at our meetings. People will make sure to say hello and there’ll be opportunities to talk before and after our services over a cup of tea and a biscuit. We have come to know the joy of the Lord through our faith in Jesus Christ and the peace that comes from His Spirit. We want you to know the same joy and happiness in Father, Son and Spirit; our joy is to see your joy.

Joy and Reverence

We serve the living God. As when approaching any dignitary there is a right sense of respect, care and excitement - how much more so with the transcendent, infinite and almighty God? As such, we approach God and His Word in our meetings in solemn joy and freedom.

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Fellowship is sharing the good things the Lord has given us with one another. God works through our self-giving to build up and encourage the body of Christ. We fellowship in our worship, our prayer, and in our time together.


We care about you. We’ll take seriously your needs, concerns, and burdens and seek to help you as best we can. Our care is extended through the teaching and preaching ministry of the church, through home visitation by our minister, and through the self-sacrificial service of our members. We love because Christ has first loved us; He did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life a ransom for many.